Learn language abroad

Summer in Europe: unmissable tips for exchange students

written by
Natasha Machado
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Did you know that 73% of exchange students report that European summer is the best time to experience local culture? This surprising statistic reveals the incredible potential that the hottest season of the year offers for those who want to make the most of their outdoor experience. The European summer, which usually takes place between June and August, is a period filled with festivals, outdoor events, and unique opportunities for cultural immersion. In this article, we'll explore valuable tips for making your summer exchange in Europe a truly unforgettable experience.

Planning is essential

The success of any trip starts with good planning, and that's no different for a summer exchange in Europe. Start by researching the country and city where you are going to study, including information about the weather, local customs, and special events that take place during the summer. Make a list of places you want to visit and activities you want to try.

Also, organize your documents in advance. Make sure that your passport is valid for at least six months beyond the expected date of return to Brazil. Check if you need a visa and, if necessary, start the application process as soon as possible. Don't forget to take out travel insurance that covers the entire period of your exchange.

Take advantage of learning opportunities

The European summer offers numerous opportunities to improve your language and cultural skills. Here are some tips for making the most of those chances:

  • Attend intensive language courses: Many schools offer special summer programs for Learn a language abroad. These courses generally combine classroom instruction with hands-on activities and cultural excursions.
  • Get involved in local activities: Look out for community events, street festivals, and outdoor markets. These experiences provide excellent opportunities to practice the language and connect with the local culture.
  • Make international friends: Summer attracts students from all over the world. Take the opportunity to meet people from different countries and cultures, expanding your social circle and practicing languages.
  • Take part in language exchanges: Many European cities organize informal meetings where you can practice the local language with natives while helping them with Portuguese.
  • Explore museums and galleries: Many European museums offer free or discounted admission for students. Take the opportunity to enrich your cultural and historical knowledge.

Travel and explore

Summer is the perfect time to explore Europe. With longer days and pleasant weather, you'll have more time to discover new places and experience unique experiences. Take advantage of holidays and weekends to take short trips to neighboring cities or countries. The European transport network is extensive and efficient, making it relatively easy and affordable to travel between different destinations.

Consider buying an Interrail pass if you plan to visit multiple countries. This pass allows unlimited train travel in several European countries for a specific period, making it an economical and flexible option for exploring the continent. Remember to book your accommodations in advance, as summer is a high tourist season in Europe.

Important care

When enjoying the European summer, it's critical to stay healthy and safe. Here are some essential precautions:

  1. Hydration: Summer heat can be intense in some regions. Drink water regularly and avoid prolonged exposure to the sun, especially during the hottest hours of the day.
  2. Sun protection: Use sunscreen daily, even on cloudy days. The European sun may be stronger than you're used to.
  3. Safety: Be aware of your belongings, especially in busy tourist areas. Store your documents and valuables in safe places.
  4. Respect for local rules: Find out about the laws and customs of the country where you are. Respecting local regulations is essential for a positive experience and avoiding problems.
  5. Health: Always have your insurance company's emergency contact and information about allergies or relevant medical conditions with you.

Take advantage of academic opportunities

Summer is also an excellent time for those considering a University abroad. Many European institutions offer summer programs that allow students to experience international university life. These courses generally combine academic classes with cultural activities, providing a comprehensive overview of what it means to study in another country. Additionally, participating in a summer program can be a great way to explore different areas of study and make valuable contacts for future academic or professional opportunities.

Be Easy

Ready to make your summer exchange dream in Europe a reality? A Be Easy Exchange is here to help you plan and carry out this incredible experience. Our experienced staff can guide you in choosing the ideal program, whether it's learning a language, participating in a summer course, or exploring university options abroad. Don't miss the opportunity to experience an unforgettable European summer! Contact us today and start planning your international adventure. With Be Easy, your exchange will be an exciting and enriching journey filled with learning and memories that will last a lifetime.

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Natasha Machado
Founder e CEO, Be Easy