Career projects abroad

Free college in Germany: Understand the options at Studienkolleg and Studienbrücke

written by
Natasha Machado
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Studying in Germany is the dream of many Brazilians, especially because of the possibility of pursuing a quality degree at public universities, practically for free. However, the process of entering German higher education may be slightly different from what we are used to in Brazil. In this article, we explain the main options for those who wish to attend college in Germany, such as the Studienkolleg and the Studienbrücke, in addition to answering common questions about the topic.

Is ENEM accepted for admission to German universities?

One of the most frequently asked questions among Brazilian students is whether the ENEM is valid for admission to a public university in Germany. Unfortunately, the answer is no. This is because Brazilian high school is shorter than German and does not include the final exam called Abitur, taken by Gymnasium students (type of secondary school in Germany).

Thus, for study and work in Germany At university for free, there are basically three paths:

1. Studienbrücke: For those who have not yet completed high school.

2. Studienkolleg: For those who have already finished high school.

3. Complete high school education + 1 year of college in Brazil (with some caveats).

Let's better understand each of these options.

Studienbrücke: The ideal preparatory course for those who are still in high school

Studienbrücke is a program aimed at students who are still in high school and have a B1 level of German. The program focuses on the areas of mathematics, informatics, natural sciences, and technology. The Studienbrücke includes:

  • German courses to improve the language
  • Proficiency tests to prove language level
  • Courses in the subjects necessary for the chosen degree
  • Intercultural training for adaptation to life in Germany
  • Individual counseling sessions

Studienkolleg: The option for those who have already completed high school

If you have already finished high school in Brazil, Studienkolleg is the most suitable alternative for entering a German university. This is a one-year, full-time preparatory course that includes a final exam called Feststellungsprüfung (FSP). With the passing of this exam and the Studienkolleg certificate of completion, you are able to enroll in any university in Germany.

To enter the Studienkolleg, it is necessary to take an admission test, which takes place once a year and is very popular, due to the limited number of places. Most Studienkollegs are public, but there are also some private ones. It should be noted that there are no scholarships for Studienkolleg, so it is essential to have financial resources to remain in Germany during this period.

The entrance exams are held in Germany, and each Studienkolleg can define its own exam format. The subjects evaluated depend on the area you intend to study at the university, but they generally include a German test and a mathematics test, or just the German test.

College in Germany with high school education + 1 year of graduation in Brazil

A third option for studying at a German university is to have completed high school and to have attended at least one year of college in Brazil. However, it is essential to research thoroughly before opting for this path, as there are many important details to consider.

In general, to enter a degree at a public university in Germany, it is necessary to have a C1 level of German. Some courses in the exact area may accept level B2, while others, especially humanities, may require up to level C2. Another relevant factor is the average obtained in high school: the higher, the better the chances of passing.

The college application system in Germany, generally through Uni-Assist, calculates the high school average added to the overall higher education average taken in Brazil. Thus, poor grades don't mean you don't have a chance, but the better your averages, the more course options will be available. For competitive degrees, such as medicine and dentistry, very high grades and an impeccable command of German are required.

Be easy

If you are determined to pursue an undergraduate degree in Germany, Be easy can help you make that dream a reality. Our team is ready to answer all your questions, help you choose the best path and guide you through every step of the process.

Don't waste any more time and contact Be easy to start planning your journey towards free graduation in Germany! With dedication, focus, and the right support, you can turn that dream into reality and give your career a significant boost.

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Natasha Machado
Founder e CEO, Be Easy