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Does traveling rejuvenate? Study reveals surprising benefits

written by
Natasha Machado
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Who doesn't dream of an unforgettable trip? In addition to providing moments of leisure and fun, my recent exchange experience in England proved that traveling can bring surprising benefits to our physical and mental health. Coincidentally, research conducted by Edith Cowan University, in Australia, reveals that experiences gained while traveling can even delay the signs of aging - something that I was able to see for myself.

The science behind rejuvenation through travel

The Australian study brings up an intriguing concept: entropy, a process of slow and inevitable decline in our body, can be slowed down through travel. Entropy, in simple terms, is the natural tendency of all systems, including our body, to wear out and lose energy over time. However, the new experiences and stimuli provided by traveling seem to counteract this process.

During my exchange in England, I was able to experience this in practice. By exposing myself to a new environment, people, and culture, I stimulated my brain in unique ways. That constant stimulation not only kept my mind active, but it also positively influenced my body.

The new routines, the change of environment, and even the relaxation provided by activities such as walking around the campus and exploring the city had a significant impact on my overall well-being.

Proven health benefits of travel

The findings of the research of Edith Cowan University are not limited to theory alone. Several aspects of my trip proved to be potential allies in the fight against premature aging. Let's look at some of the key benefits I experienced:

  • Improves sleep quality: The change of environment and the break in routine helped regulate my circadian cycle, providing a more restful sleep.
  • Increased physical activity: Ao Learning a language abroad, for example, it is common for us to walk more to explore the city, I used to walk a lot more, which naturally increased my physical activity and helped me lose weight.
  • Cognitive Stimulation: Facing new challenges, such as communicating in English all the time and navigating an unfamiliar city, kept my brain active and alert.
  • Stress reduction: Getting away from everyday worries and immersing myself in new experiences significantly lowered my stress levels.
  • Strengthening the immune system: Exposure to a different environment seems to have boosted my immune system, making it more resilient.

In addition, for those looking for a longer experience, such as University abroad, the benefits can be even more pronounced, providing complete cultural immersion and even more significant personal development.

The impact of travel on mental health

We can't underestimate the importance of mental health in our overall well-being. My trip played a crucial role in this regard, offering a necessary break from everyday pressures and providing new perspectives on life.

The encounter with a different culture and a new way of life helped me to gain a new appreciation for my own reality. This broadening of horizons resulted in a greater sense of gratitude and contentment, elements that I perceived to be essential for a healthy and balanced mind.

How to Maximize Health Benefits on Your Travels

To take full advantage of the health benefits offered by traveling, consider the following tips:

  1. I planned ahead to reduce organization stress.
  2. I included physical activities in my itinerary, such as walks around the campus and around the city.
  3. I tried the local cuisine, opting for healthy and nutritious options.
  4. I set aside time for relaxation and reflection.
  5. I stayed hydrated and respected my sleep schedule.
  6. I engaged with the local culture, attending student events and extra classes.

The importance of regular travel

While my exchange experience was unique, the study suggests that regularity is critical to maximizing positive health effects. Traveling frequently, even if they're short trips, can help keep stress levels low and your immune system strengthened over time. Since my return, I have sought to maintain this practice whenever possible.

Be Easy: Your partner for a healthier and fuller life

In the face of so many benefits that I have personally experienced, it's clear that traveling is more than just a form of leisure - it's an investment in your health and well-being. A Be Easy Exchange is here to help you transform that knowledge into reality, just like you did with me. Offering a variety of exchange and study abroad programs that not only enrich your life academically but also contribute to your physical and mental health. Get in touch today and discover how to start your journey to a healthier, fuller life filled with new experiences!

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Natasha Machado
Founder e CEO, Be Easy