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Discover your learning style and boost your studies

written by
Natasha Machado
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Did you know that everyone has a unique learning style? By identifying your style, you can adopt more appropriate study techniques and enhance your learning. In this article, Be easy presents the seven most common learning styles and gives tips on how to adapt your studies according to your characteristics.


Auditory learners benefit from sounds and music when studying, they generally have great listening skills and do well in expository classes, they usually hum or beat the rhythm of a song while they concentrate. If you are of that type, try creating soundtracks to study, transform information into songs or rhymes, and record audios with the content of the lessons for later review.


Solitary learners are introspective, self-sufficient and very aware of their thought processes, have a great capacity for concentration and constantly question themselves. If you fit this profile, reserve moments of individual study, but also try to engage in classroom discussions. Generate a personal interest in the topics studied to stay motivated.

Knowing your learning style can be useful not only for your regular studies, but also for special situations, such as Learn language abroad or take a University abroad. Adapting your study strategies to your learning profile can make a big difference in the speed and quality of your knowledge absorption, regardless of the context in which you're studying.


Those with verbal style learn better by reading, writing, and talking about subjects. She loves to dive into books, take notes, and participate in debates. Did you identify yourself? So abuse reading aloud, repeating key concepts, giving enthusiastic presentations (even to an imaginary audience), and listening to recordings of classes or of yourself explaining the topics studied.


Kinesthetic/physical learners need to move their bodies to assimilate content well. Restless, they learn by doing and like to start practicing as soon as possible. To optimize studies, bet on summaries and mind maps to take anywhere, take breaks to walk and process information, and use visualization, imagining yourself carrying out an activity or experiment related to the subject.


If you're a visual learner, organize information using images, colors, and diagrams. Your notes are often filled with drawings, arrows, and symbols. Invest in colorful stationery, take care of visual schemes, and use and abuse techniques such as mind maps, color codes, and visual learning journeys to fix the content.


Students with a logical profile are methodical, organized, and focused on patterns and calculations. They generally excel at math and love solving problems and puzzles. To study, set goals, create lists, categorize information, and explore connections between topics. Go beyond the minimum necessary and seek to understand the context surrounding the subject.


With a strong social style, these students are excellent communicators, sensitive to the opinions of others and participatory in class. They learn better in collaborative environments. If this is your case, consider forming a study group, even with colleagues from other areas. Discussing a topic from a variety of perspectives will enrich your learning and keep you stimulated.

Be easy

Identifying your learning style is the first step in boosting your studies. By adopting strategies aligned with your characteristics, you optimize your time, improve content retention, and make the learning process more enjoyable. Do you want to discover more about how to study efficiently and achieve fluency in the language of your dreams? Contact Be easy and discover our programs developed for your profile. With Be Easy, learning is easier!

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Natasha Machado
Founder e CEO, Be Easy